3.e.ii.-form-list-warm-up-exercises Section

Warm-Up / Joint Loosening Exercises

Written by Nick Gudge

Before beginning any training session WHJ recommended that the muscles are warmed –up and the joints loosened. This not only limits the chance of injury but allows the body to practice Taiji exercises more correctly.

Like all exercises it is important to understand what is being exercised and how. This understanding coupled with practice brings optimum results. The joints should be loosened and stretched not strained.

The list below is provided as a reminder of the exercises WHJ commonly uses in his workshops and classes.

1.      Loosen the wrists by forward rotation

2.      Loosen and stretch the back and arms (Forwards)

3.      Loosen and stretch the shoulders and arms (Upwards)

4.      Loosen and stretch the shoulders and arms (Sidewards)

5.      Loosen and stretch the back, legs and arms (Downwards)

6.      Loosen the neck by circling the head

7.      Loosen and stretch the shoulders by circling the elbows

8.      Loosen and stretch the spine and chest horizontally

9.      Loosen and stretch the spine and chest vertically

10.  Loosen and stretch the shoulders by circling the extended arms

11.  Loosen and stretch the waist horizontally

12.  Slap the body

13.  Loosen and stretch the hips

14.  Loosen and stretch the knees (feet together and apart)

15.  Loosen the ankles

16.  Stretch the hips and groin (one foot forward)

17.  Stretch the hamstrings (wide stance, feet parallel, holding the feet)

 Once the body is loosened, over time these exercises become part of understanding Reeling Silk Strength (Chansijin). The waist directs the motion as in all taiji movement.


These exercises are taught systematically in Nick Gudge's tai chi classes in Limerick and used in all his Chen Style 18 Step and Laojia yilu classes.