5.a.x.-thirteen-actions-of-chen-taiji-jian Section

The Thirteen Actions of

Chen Taiji Jian (Straight Sword) Form

 written by Nick Gudge at Wang Hai Jun's Sword Summer Camp 2011


1.       Ci jian                  

Action: A horizontal, downwards or upward thrust with point

Example: Green dragon enters water + White snake sticks out tongue

Notes: Palm up, sword parallel to & extension of arm, mostly forward


2.       Liao jian  

Action: Deflecting up and back, circling forwards, using cutting part, palm facing out

Example: Protect the knees + Drag moon from sea bottom

Notes: Palm up, sword parallel to & extension of arm, mostly forward


3.       Jia jian     

Action: Blocking upwards / over and in front of head, using blunt first third of blade

Example: Facing sun sword

Notes: Not directly over the head, arms open as sword is pushed up, palm out, fingers point at sword tip


4.       Tuo jian   

Action: Blocking / pushing up to the side, palm facing in, using first third of blade

Example: Golden rooster stands on one leg



5.       Dian jian  

Action: Slicing with the tip to front, back or side

Example: Swallow pecks mud+ Nod the head + Phoenix nods head

Notes: Don’t reach forward, use the wrist


6.       Gua jian   

Action: Tip of sword circling down and back / hooking / blocking down & back

Example: Eagle and bear battle for wits

Notes: heels in a line when stepping, follow tip with eyes, fingers on wrist, squatting down


7.       Hua jian   

Action: Neutralising using any part of sword

Example: Close Gate Form + Cover & block form


8.       Jie jian     

Action: Cutting diagonally across and down (Intercepting) with cutting part of blade

Example: Black dragon waves tail

Notes: From outside and above shoulder (not over shoulder)


9.       Mo jian    

Action: Slicing horizontally or upwards using end two thirds of blade / cutting part

Example: Diagonal Flying + Grinding millstone form


10.   Pi jian     

Action: Cutting down using end two thirds of blade / cutting part

Example: Turn body and cut down

Notes: Foot stamp and blade arrive together, blade parallel to ground


11.   Sao jian   

Action: sweeping / horizontal cutting using end two thirds of blade / cutting part

Example: Cut the grass to search for snake+ Yellow dragon turns over

Notes: blade can be middle or low, parallel to ground, extended from arm, leg in then out slightly diagonally


12.   Tui jian    

Action: Pushing out vertically or horizontally using blunt first third of blade,

Example: Right / Left side supports 1000 pounds + Pluck star change dipper


13.   Zha jian   

Action: Stabbing / Thrusting down, using point

Example: Lohan subdues dragon

Notes: Feet slightly to diagonal, body facing right not forward